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a letter about priorities

I've been thinking a lot about my priorities lately. What is most important to me? And is what I profess to be the most important to me really what I make time for?

I have a lot of things that can take up time right now...

- school

- exercise

- scripture study

- church callings

- family

- friends

- work

But what in these things is truly the most important? What matters most? Theres a video I loved to watch a lot when I was on my mission in England, its called "Moments That Matter Most"...and I'll post it at the end of this so you can watch if you feel like it!

I found a quote this week that I love and really gave me a wake up call almost...

"Concern yourself first with relationships, with loved ones, with individuals. What else really matters? Don't imagine yourself, regardless of who you are, busier than the Lord, who puts souls first above everything else." - Paul H. Dunn

What is it that I am prioritizing right now? I would say...probably not my relationships. I think I put a LOT of other things first in my life. Something that I am going to try to do this week is prioritize what is most important, and to put that first! Obviously I still have to do the things I HAVE to (school, paying bills, etc) but I can still do those and make the people in my life a priority. I can make time for friends who need a chat, family members who just want to spend time with me, I can actually make time to serve the people that I love.

So what is a priority in your life? What do you put first? And what could you do to change so that the most important things do come first?

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