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Always smiling with you ♥️ 📷_ _thomasxm

welcome to me 

Hello! My name is Emma (Beazer) Jensen, and I am 22 years old! I started writing a blog when I left to be a volunteer for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I went and lived in the UK for 18 months and wrote all about my experiences there. If you want to check that out, go to my mission blog. 

I wanted to keep writing about my experiences and life and just share what I know with people, and so this blog has started! I love the idea of letters, and of writing down real life experiences to share with others. I want this blog to become a collection of letters to people or things, about my life. If you want to read, hopefully you can learn something from my experiences! 

I just got married this year, and am loving the adventures I've already had with my husband Jonah. I love to travel, and explore the world around me, learning about cultures and other people. 

Welcome to the letters about my life.

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