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a letter about gratitude

This last week has been quite a whirlwind for me. Sometimes it can be overwhelming how many things I have to do and places I need to be. But just yesterday I was thinking about how grateful I am to have many things that make my life a whirlwind. I truly have been blessed with the best. I have incredible friends who support me and remind me of who I truly am. I have a wonderful family who always believes in me, even when I don't necessarily believe in myself. I am able to have a relationship with God, and to feel of his support. I have a house, food, and enough money (barely haha) to go to school and get an education. I have so many opportunities to have experiences that so many in this world do not.

While living in Britain for 18 months, I was really able to learn just a little bit of how blessed I am. I met so many who just have such hard lives...nothing that I have ever experiences is even close to what they have to go through. People who were so limited by money, or the language barrier, or many other things that I have never even had to worry about. I am so blessed...and I need to be more grateful I think. Its one things to recognize what we have, but its another thing to actually be grateful for it. What even is true gratitude? I really liked this definition (thank you google) and its caused me to think a lot about if I am truly grateful for what I have.




noun: gratitude

  1. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation or and to return kindness.

I really loved the end of this definition....gratitude is not only being thankful and appreciative, but also being willing and ready to take that gratitude and turn it outward, to share some kindness with those around us. I've decided to take kind of a..gratitude challenge I guess? I just want to be able to express my gratitude to those around me more than I do. Whether its by writing a little note to someone who helps me, or just being kinder to everyone around me...theres a lot more that I can. I may not be able to donate hundreds to a charity, but I can be more charitable. If you happen to be reading this and got all the way to the here...maybe take a minute or two to think about what you are grateful for. Make a list, and maybe just share something with someone today :) Tell them you are grateful for them in your life, give a hug, do something! Not only will it make their day better, but it will make yours better too.

And since I'm trying to be more grateful...enjoy some pictures of things I am grateful for :)

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